You can order transcripts online using any major credit card, Brescia University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering via the Web. To order an official transcript(s), 登录 to the Clearinghouse Secure Site. The site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options and fees. You can order as many transcripts as you like in a single session. Order updates will be emailed to you and you can also track your order online.
*Transcripts prior to 1985 are not available via electronic delivery.
To request a transcript via mail, download the 申请成绩单表格 and return with payment to: Brescia University, 注意:注册, 弗雷德里卡街717号, 欧文斯伯勒, 肯塔基州, 42301. Transcript copies are $10 each and checks should be made payable to Brescia University.
For questions or concerns, contact the Brescia University Registrar Office at 270.686.4248.