在线副学士学位,主修商科, 布雷西亚大学的目的地项目之一, provides 学生 with an introduction to basic business models and modern business practices. Students also learn skills to conduct business in a variety of organizations and environments. The associate degree program encourages critical thinking and prepares 学生 to become lifelong learners in a constantly changing global environment.
通过顺利完成管理课程, 市场营销, 会计, 和经济学, the Associate of Science with a Major in Business online degree provides the foundation of knowledge and skills and will prepare graduates to enter and build a successful career or continue to Brescia University’s Bachelor of Science Degree, 主修商业或会计. 由一个强大的文科传统支持, Brescia 学生 are empowered to aspire to an independent spirit, 创造性地适应变化, 对终身学习持开放态度.
The Associates of Science in Business online program from Brescia University offers:
- 灵活的课程
课程是为成人学生设计的, enabling qualified 学生 to complete a degree in as little as two years. - 认证程序
Brescia University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, 迪凯特, Georgia 30033-4097; telephone number 404-679-4501). - 可购性
The Associate of Business online degree at Brescia University is offered at an affordable price. Federal and state financial aid is available to those 学生 who qualify. - 质量
虽然课程的长度可能会缩短, 学术诚信和学位要求保持不变, ensuring that 学生 receive a high-quality education at a quicker pace.
Among the job positions for which the Associate in Business degree will prepare 学生 are bookkeeper, 人力资源助理, 客户服务代表, 销售人员, 接待员, 或行政助理.
Many Brescia 学生 use the Associate in Business online degree as a gateway into a Bachelor Degree program. All the courses in the Associate Degree Program have the same content and academic rigor as the Bachelor Degree courses and are transferable to Brescia University’s Bachelor of Science Degree, 主修商业或会计.
- 毕业要求:60学分
- 通识教育要求:24学时