
B.A. 或B.S. 综合研究专业毕业

毕业要求: 120学时
通识教育要求: 48学时
专注领域: 48学时
A total of forty-eight (48) credit hours in 200-400 level courses are to be distributed over two–three selected areas of concentrated study; of these, a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours must be at the 300-400 level. At least fifteen (15) credit hours must be taken in each area of concentration, and no more than thirty (30) credit hours may be taken in any one discipline.

When at least 32 of the required 48 hours for the major have been completed, 学生 must register for the 3 credit hour online Senior Capstone course, in which they review writing skills and submit a paper demonstrating appropriate coursework integration and reflection on possible career options.

选修课: 总共120学时

计算机能力 is met normally through three of the following: IdC 100, CS 107, 108, and 109. 经顾问批准, any appropriate computer competency listed for an- other major in this catalog may be substituted.